Debtor Information

We are aware that many people are experiencing financial difficulties at present. You may have recently received correspondence and/or have been served with legal proceedings from our office. If so, we would strongly urge you to contact our office as soon as possible.,

We can be contacted on 01 6787000. Please quote the reference number on our correspondence so that you can be connected with the person dealing with your case.

We have a number of options available for you to make payments. This can be found following the link below:
Payment options

Financial advice and Support

If you are experiencing a difficult financial situation there are various organisations that can assist and advise you. Should you require legal advice on your case it is best to obtain independent professional legal advice from a solicitor.

Information is also available through the following websites:

Citizens Information

Money Advice and Budgeting Service

National Consumer Agency

The Irish Courts Service

Our Services
